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Pierino Moro (Carignano TO, Italy) says... installed under Windows XP virtual machine (VirtualBox) work correctly.
The same under Windows 10 64 bit compile only init-.c and then return this error:

Build directory: build-791953\
Translating code, pass: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 generating
Compiling with Watcom
Compiling 1% init-.c
Fatal Error! 60: Can't find file "d:\Lng\EUPORT~1\aaa.exe".
Premere un tasto per continuare . . .
24th February 2018 1:19pm
Theo says...
Sorry for late answer.
Seems a (for me) new problem with Win10.
No solution yet (except using "euc -makefile yourfile.exw" then wmake -f yourmakefile)
4th March 2018 8:37pm
Theo says...
I forgot
Euportable41_32 still works on Win10
4th March 2018 8:43pm
Theo says...
I found the problem. It's with the Win10 Creators Update and the Watcom Compiler.
I work on a new release using OpenWatcom V2 or if i don't get it using GCC.
If you like to help testing you can reach me on the email adress in the contact-button.

7th April 2018 12:26am
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Novalar (Antigua) says...
Good article!
22nd August 2017 11:16pm
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