routine or constant name search

8.40 Errors and Warnings

8.40.1 Routines crash

include std/error.e
namespace error
public procedure crash(sequence fmt, object data = {})

Crash running program, displaying a formatted error message the way printf() does.

  1. fmt : a sequence representing the message text. It may have format specifiers in it
  2. data : an object, defaulted to {}.

The actual message being shown, both on standard error and in ex.err (or whatever file last passed to crash_file()), is sprintf(fmt, data). The program terminates as for any runtime error.

Example 1:
if PI = 3 then
    crash("The structure of universe just changed -- reload solar_system.ex")
end if
Example 2:
if token = end_of_file then
    crash("Test file #%d is bad, text read so far is %s\n", 
                                                  {file_number, read_so_far})
end if
See Also:

crash_file, crash_message, printf crash_message

include std/error.e
namespace error
public procedure crash_message(sequence msg)

Specify a final message to display for your user, in the event that Euphoria has to shut down your program due to an error.

  1. msg : a sequence to display. It must only contain printable characters.

There can be as many calls to crash_message() as needed in a program. Whatever was defined last will be used in case of a runtime error.

Example 1:
crash_message("The password you entered must have at least 8 characters.")
pwd_key = input_text[1..8]
-- if ##input_text## is too short, 
-- user will get a more meaningful message than 
-- "index out of bounds".
See Also:

crash, crash_file crash_file

include std/error.e
namespace error
public procedure crash_file(sequence file_path)

Specify a file path name in place of "ex.err" where you want any diagnostic information to be written.

  1. file_path : a sequence, the new error and traceback file path.

There can be as many calls to crash_file() as needed. Whatever was defined last will be used in case of an error at runtime, whether it was triggered by crash() or not.

See Also:

crash, crash_message abort

<built-in> procedure abort(atom error)

Abort execution of the program.

  1. error : an integer, the exit code to return.

error is expected to lie in the 0..255 range. 0 is usually interpreted as the sign of a successful completion.

Other values can indicate various kinds of errors. Windows batch (.bat) programs can read this value using the errorlevel feature. Non integer values are rounded down. A Euphoria program can read this value using system_exec().

abort() is useful when a program is many levels deep in subroutine calls, and execution must end immediately, perhaps due to a severe error that has been detected.

If you don't use abort(), the interpreter will normally return an exit status code of 0. If your program fails with a Euphoria-detected compile-time or run-time error then a code of 1 is returned.

Example 1:
if x = 0 then
    puts(ERR, "can't divide by 0 !!!\n")
    z = y / x
end if
See Also:

crash_message, system_exec warning_file

include std/error.e
namespace error
public procedure warning_file(object file_path)

Specify a file path where to output warnings.

  1. file_path : an object indicating where to dump any warning that were produced.

By default, warnings are displayed on the standard error, and require pressing the Enter key to keep going. Redirecting to a file enables skipping the latter step and having a console window open, while retaining ability to inspect the warnings in case any was issued.

Any atom >= 0 causes standard error to be used, thus reverting to default behaviour.

Any atom < 0 suppresses both warning generation and output. Use this latter in extreme cases only.

On an error, some output to the console is performed anyway, so that whatever warning file was specified is ignored then.

Example 1:
-- some code
-- changed opinion: warnings will go to standard error as usual
See Also:

without warning, warning warning

<built-in> procedure warning(sequence message)

Causes the specified warning message to be displayed as a regular warning.

  1. message : a double quoted literal string, the text to display.

Writing a library has specific requirements, since the code you write will be mainly used inside code you didn't write. It may be desirable then to influence, from inside the library, that code you didn't write.

This is what warning(), in a limited way, does. It enables to generate custom warnings in code that will include yours. Of course, you can also generate warnings in your own code, for instance as a kind of memo. The without warning top level statement disables such warnings.

The warning is issued with the custom_warning level. This level is enabled by default, but can be turned off any time.

Using any kind of expression in message will result in a blank warning text.

Example 1:
-- mylib.e
procedure foo(integer n)
    warning("The foo() procedure is obsolete, use bar() instead.")
    ? n
end procedure

-- some_app.exw
include mylib.e

will result, when some_app.exw is run with warning, in the following text being displayed in the console window

Warning: ( custom_warning ):
The foo() procedure is obsolete, use bar() instead.

Press Enter...
See Also:

warning_file crash_routine

include std/error.e
namespace error
public procedure crash_routine(integer func)

Specify a function to be called when an error takes place at run time.

  1. func : an integer, the routine_id of the function to link in.

The supplied function must have only one parameter, which should be integer or more general. Defaulted parameters in crash routines are not supported yet.

Euphoria maintains a linked list of routines to execute upon a crash. crash_routine() adds a new function to the list. The routines defined first are executed last. You cannot unlink a routine once it is linked, nor inspect the crash routine chain.

Currently, the crash routines are passed 0. Future versions may attempt to convey more information to them. If a crash routine returns anything else than 0, the remaining routines in the chain are skipped.

crash routines are not full fledged exception handlers, and they cannot resume execution at current or next statement. However, they can read the generated crash file, and might perform any action, including restarting the program.

Example 1:
function report_error(integer dummy)
  mylib:email("", "ex.err")
   return 0 and dummy
end function
See Also:

crash_file, routine_id, Debugging and Profiling